Animal Friends and Helpers

Rocket earned his name by launching professional cowboy Landon Macek to rodeo’s number one spot in tie-down roping. The horse wasn’t always so highly regarded. Landon found him as a longshot in a Quarter Horse claim race filled with other winless horses. And the prize steed came in dead last. Funny thing about smart horses—they just don’t see the point in running two-hundred-fifty yards full throttle without a good reason. Landon gave him one. Rocket loves chasing cattle.



Schnoozel &
Ruatha Robinton


Sully is Deputy Jericho Tanner's dog. Jericho's dad, retired sheriff Atwood Tanner had border collie mixes around the ranch for many years, and Sully was bred from one of Atwood's dogs to keep the tradition. When Jericho is at home and on the ranch, Sully is his constant companion. The dog loves to chase squirrels and rabbits and has a pretty good record of catching those bunnies. He enjoys lying on the front porch in the sun. Sully is also rather spoiled and has his own bed in Jericho's room.